Reasoning about Connectors in Coq
Xiyue Zhang, Weijiang Hong, Yi Li, Meng Sun. "Reasoning about Connectors in Coq." Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software. FACS 2016.
Xiyue Zhang, Weijiang Hong, Yi Li, Meng Sun. "Reasoning about Connectors in Coq." Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software. FACS 2016.
Yi Li, Xiyue Zhang, Yuanyi Ji, Meng Sun. "Capturing Stochastic and Real-time Behavior in Reo Connectors." Proceedings of SBMF 2017.
Weijiang Hong, Saqib Nawaz, Xiyue Zhang, Yi Li, Meng Sun. "Using Coq for Formal Modeling and Verification of Timed Connectors." Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2017.
Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "Towards Formal Modeling and Verification of Probabilistic Connectors in Coq." Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering. SEKE 2018.
Meng Sun, Xiyue Zhang. "A Relational Model for Probabilistic Connectors based on Timed Data Distribution Streams." Proceedings of International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems. FORMATS 2018.
Xiyue Zhang. "Modeling and Verification of Component Connectors." Proceedings of International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. ICFEM 2018.
Bai Xue, Yang Liu, Lei Ma, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun, Xiaofei Xie. "Safe Inputs Generation for Black-box Systems." Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. ICECCS 2019.
Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "SMT-based Modeling and Verification of Cloud Applications." Proceedings of World Congress on Services. SERVICES 2019.
Xiyue Zhang, Yi Li, Weijiang Hong, Meng Sun. "Using Recurrent Neural Network to Predict Tactics for Proving Component Connector Properties in Coq." Proceedings of International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering. TASE 2019.
Yi Li, Xiyue Zhang, Yuanyi Ji, Meng Sun. "A Formal Framework Capturing Real-Time and Stochastic Behavior in Connectors." Science of Computer Programming. vol. 177, 2019.
Xiyue Zhang, Weijiang Hong, Yi Li, Meng Sun. "Reasoning about Connectors Using Coq and Z3." Science of Computer Programming. vol. 170, 2019.
Xiyue Zhang. "Uncertainty-Guided Testing and Robustness Enhancement for Deep Learning Systems." Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (Companion Proceedings). ICSE-Companion 2020.
Xiyue Zhang, Yi Li, Meng Sun. "Towards a Formally Verified EVM in Production Environment." Proceedings of International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models. COORDINATION 2020.
Xiyue Zhang, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Xiaoning Du, Qiang Hu, Yang Liu, Jianjun Zhao, Meng Sun. "Towards Characterizing Adversarial Defects of Deep Learning Software from the Lens of Uncertainty." Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering. ICSE 2020.
Weidi Sun, Yuteng Lu, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "DeepGlobal: A Global Robustness Verifiable FNN Framework." Proceedings of International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications. SETTA 2021.
Xiaokun Luan, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "Using LSTM to Predict Tactics in Coq." Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering. SEKE 2021.
Xiyue Zhang, Xiaoning Du, Xiaofei Xie, Lei Ma, Yang Liu, Meng Sun. "Decision-Guided Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(13). AAAI 2021.
Weidi Sun, Yuteng Lu, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "DeepGlobal: A Framework for Global Robustness Verification of Feedforward Neural Networks." Journal of Systems Architecture. vol. 128, 2022.
Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "Extracting Weighted Finite Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Languages." Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. ICFEM 2022.
Xiyue Zhang, Xiaohong Chen, Meng Sun. "Towards a Unifying Logical Framework for Neural Networks." Proceedings of the 19th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computings. ICTAC 2022.
Xiaoyong Xue, Xiyue Zhang, Meng Sun. "kProp: Multi-Neuron Relaxation Method for Neural Network Robustness Verification." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering. FSEN 2023.
Zeming Wei, Xiyue Zhang, Yihao Zhang, Meng Sun. "Weighted Automata Extraction and Explanation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Tasks." Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Volume 136,
Xiyue Zhang, Benjie Wang, Marta Kwiatkowska . "Provable Preimage Under-Approximation for Neural Networks." Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. TACAS 2024.